Glad you found it useful. Thanks for the tip about the data type.
I found this thread very useful, thank you both. It took me time to get the code working with theano 1.0.1 and numpy 1.14.3 because I was obtaining the error "ValueError: expected an ndarray" when evaluating the trilinear interpolator. The issue was coming from the "uint16" type used for indexing: using "int32" instead, it works flawlessly. Also for the nearest interpolation, "uint16" produces an AdvancedSubtensor node which in this case around 100 times slower than the Subtensor node produced when using "int32". In conclusion, I used "int32" everywhere. The complete code is below.
import theano
import theano.tensor as T
int_ = "int32"
# Init
image = T.dtensor3("image")
points = T.dvector("points")
x = T.clip(points[2], 0, T.shape(image)[2] - 2)
y = T.clip(points[1], 0, T.shape(image)[1] - 2)
z = T.clip(points[0], 0, T.shape(image)[0] - 2)
nearest = image[
T.cast(T.floor(z), int_), T.cast(T.floor(y), int_), T.cast(T.floor(x), int_)
nearest_f = theano.function([image, points], nearest)
x0 = T.cast(T.floor(x), int_)
y0 = T.cast(T.floor(y), int_)
z0 = T.cast(T.floor(z), int_)
x1 = x0 + 1
y1 = y0 + 1
z1 = z0 + 1
xd = x - x0
yd = y - y0
zd = z - z0
c00 = image[z0, y0, x0] * (1 - xd) + image[z0, y0, x1] * xd
c10 = image[z0, y1, x0] * (1 - xd) + image[z0, y1, x1] * xd
c01 = image[z1, y0, x0] * (1 - xd) + image[z1, y0, x1] * xd
c11 = image[z1, y1, x0] * (1 - xd) + image[z1, y1, x1] * xd
c0 = c00 * (1 - yd) + c10 * yd
c1 = c01 * (1 - yd) + c11 * yd
trilinear = c0 * (1 - zd) + c1 * zd
trilinear_f = theano.function([image, points], trilinear)
# Test
import numpy as np
zz, yy, xx = np.mgrid[0:10, 0:10, 0:10]
zz = zz.astype(np.float_)
yy = yy.astype(np.float_)
xx = xx.astype(np.float_)
image_val = xx ** 2 + yy
image_val = image_val.astype(np.float_)
points_val = np.array([0., 6., 9.])
print(nearest_f(image_val, points_val))
print(trilinear_f(image_val, points_val))
Youâre very welcome.
Robert Brown, PhD
McConnell Brain Imaging Centre
Montreal Neurological Institute
Montreal, Canada <> <>
Wow Robb. Thank you very much. I am going to play with this to make a complete script then I will post it here :).
It's fairly easy to write an interpolation routine in Theano.
Here are nearest neighbour (3d) and trilinear for example. For your 2D case you can just knock off a variable. "image" is a tensor containing the image data, points is a list of coordinates giving the points you'd like the interpolated value of. I expect these will work, although be warned, I haven't tested them since Theano 0.7 or 0.8.
x = T.clip(points[2],0,T.shape(image)[2]-2)
y = T.clip(points[1],0,T.shape(image)[1]-2)
z = T.clip(points[0],0,T.shape(image)[0]-2)
nearestNeighbour = image[T.cast(T.floor(z),'uint16'),T.cast(T.floor(y),'uint16'),T.cast(T.floor(x),'uint16')] = <> + '-nearestNeighbourSampler'
x = T.clip(points[2],0,T.shape(image)[2]-2)
y = T.clip(points[1],0,T.shape(image)[1]-2)
z = T.clip(points[0],0,T.shape(image)[0]-2)
x0 = T.cast(T.floor(x),'uint16')
y0 = T.cast(T.floor(y),'uint16')
z0 = T.cast(T.floor(z),'uint16')
x1 = x0+1
y1 = y0+1
z1 = z0+1
xd = (x-x0)
yd = (y-y0)
zd = (z-z0)
c00 = image[z0,y0,x0]*(1-xd) + image[z0,y0,x1]*xd
c10 = image[z0,y1,x0]*(1-xd) + image[z0,y1,x1]*xd
c01 = image[z1,y0,x0]*(1-xd) + image[z1,y0,x1]*xd
c11 = image[z1,y1,x0]*(1-xd) + image[z1,y1,x1]*xd
c0 = c00*(1-yd) + c10*yd
c1 = c01*(1-yd) + c11*yd
trilinear = c0*(1-zd) + c1*zd
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