[theano-users] Theano with CVMFS on Helios : Could not load "libnvrtc.so"
2018-04-25 20:22:56 UTC

I have an error while importing Theano when using the CVMFS stack on the
helios cluster. I want to use this stack as it is the only way to have
MAGMA on the Helios cluster.
libnvrtc.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'
The stack loads the following modules (this is the output of 'module list'):

Currently Loaded Modules:
1) nixpkgs/16.09 (S) 2) icc/.2016.4.258 (H) 3) gcccore/.5.4.0 (H)
4) ifort/.2016.4.258 (H) 5) intel/2016.4 (t) 6) imkl/
(math) 7) StdEnv/2016.4 (S) 8) cuda/8.0.44 (t) 9) openmpi/2.1.1 (m)

S: Module is Sticky, requires --force to unload or purge
m: MPI implementations / Implémentations MPI
math: Mathematical libraries / BibliothÚques mathématiques
t: Tools for development / Outils de développement
H: Hidden Module

And my .theanorc is the following :

device = cuda
floatX = float32
intX = int32
optimizer_including = cudnn

base_path =


ldflags = -lmkl -lguide -lpthread

The base_path is the value of the environment variable $CUDA_PATH which is
automatically set when loading any cuda module.

I tried to ask for help to Calcul Québec but they could not help me with

Thank you !
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2018-04-25 20:28:09 UTC
Additional info : the command 'source /admin/bin/enable_cc_cvmfs' loads the
stack on the Helios cluster.

This also loads a python 2.7, so as to use my local install of python I
also do ' export PATH="$HOME/miniconda/bin:$PATH" '

If I load cudnn 7.0 via the command 'module load cudnn/7.0' I get very
different error :

NameError: name 'CVM' is not defined
Please let me know if you need any more info !
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